2-perf 35mm
Otherwise known as techniscope, the format made famous by the Sergio Leone Westerns, and Lucas' American Graffiti.
In Montreal, a certain rental house has a pair of beat-up 2-perf cameras for rent: an Arri IIc, and an Eclair Cameflex.
Each camera has it's own set of, ummm, issues, i.e., one can change speed but not shutter, the other can change shutter but not speed. Neither has a videotap. One has a PL mount, the other an Arri b-mount. Viewing is a bit of a nightmare.
And yet ... the images ! Certainly different than what super 16 would have to offer.
The above frame grabs that came off the telecine session at Notch, and yes, the images are "compressy" compared to what it would look like on a CRT.
If you want to use a MODERN 2 perf camera, you have to ship from Australia, at multivision
Or wait til next year for JPs next camera, the Penelope
2 perf + Vision 3 will rock the HD world...
oh yeah!
i agree with Nic... I shoot a lot of 3-perf 2:35 format... i will try 2 perf soon...
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