All right.
So this video was a wee bit hectic, and there was no time to test some of the things we wanted to try, and little time to even think about what we're doing.
The director of this video is Ian Macdonald. More info on him and YYZ pictures (his company) can be found at
The music video is for a band called The Weekend (, who have their first single from their new album coming out with the release of the movie D.E.B.S.
Their new album is "Beatbox my Hearbeat" and the first single is "Into the Morning" - more info can be found on their website.
There were two main locations : a loft space (Ian's office) and a karaoke bar room.
Techincal geeky info:
Shot on super 16mm film, Kodak 7218, 7246. Normal development.
Cameras: Bolex SBM with PL mount and Optar lenses: 8mm, 16mm, 25mm, 50mm
A-Cam with 9mm lens.
Transfer: Spirit with 2K DaVinci color corrector, Walt Bidjan over at Technicolor Toronto.
The loftspace.
We had a four hour window to be able to shoot here before the ambient daylight would drop too much. We lit with a couple of kinoflo lights and a Chimera.
The skylight coming in was very cool in color temperatureowing to the cloudy day outside. The kinos had daylight balanced bulbs, and the Chimera was puinched through by a Lowell light with 1/2 CTB. Plus, there was a line of overhead regular flourescents, as shown by the pictures below.
All of which made for a very mixed lighting situation.